Core Faculty Information
The Core Operating Manual contains updated information about the mission of each area, the constitution and duties of advisory committees and provides implementation information for both curriculum development and assessment. Information of special importance to advisors, including policies regarding exemptions, variances and transfer credits are also included.
When seeking a Core Variance, complete the Core Variance Request Form and send to for review.
When seeking to transfer in a course from another university for core credit, complete the Request for Permission to Transfer Undergraduate Credits form and send to for review.
There are no exemptions from any area of the core. However, there are various ways core requirements can be satisfied. See the Core Operating Manual, linked above, for more information.
For additional information, contact the Core office.
Yes, Course Enhancement Grants provide up to $200 toward a co-curricular experience for students relevant to the Core course. Download the application.
See the Assessfest FAQ for more information about this topic.
BCR event proposals may be emailed to the Core Curriculum Program Coordinator Gina Reese at Please include event title, date, time, location, a brief description, and the name of the faculty member sponsoring the event.
Event proposal deadlines:
Events during fall semester – August 18
Events during spring semester – January 6
Pre-approved BCR events available currently are those sponsored by the following:
- A New View Film Series, presented by the Center for Faith and Vocation
- Butler Arts and Events Center Presents
- Butler Ballet: Nutcracker, Midwinter, and Spring performances
- Butler Libraries
- Butler Theatre (faculty-directed) performances
- College of Communication Distinguished Lecture
- Celebration of Diversity Distinguished Lecture Series
- Division of DEI
- Global and Historical Studies Seminars
- Hub for Black Affairs
- Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra/Symphonic Choir/Opera
- J. James Woods Lecture Series
- School of Music Concert Series (includes Music at Butler, Piano at Butler, Faculty Artist, Duckwall Artist Series, etc.)
- Seminar on Religion and Global Affairs, presented by the Center for Faith and Vocation
- Steiner-Watkins Lecture Series
- Visiting Black Intellectuals Series
- Vivian S. Delbrook Visiting Writers’ Series
- Wayne Wetzel Lecture Series